“Train up a child
in the way he
should go; even
when he is
old he will
not depart from it.”
Proverbs 22:6
The Children

Yudaya Nabandeke
Yudaya is in primary two. She is the sister to Rayan. They lost both of their parents in an accident and they were left under the care of their aunt who is disabled.
He favorite subjects in school are English and Christian Religious education.
She wants to be an accountant when she grows. She also likes dodge ball and netball.

Victoria Nabalende
Vicki is in primary five. Her favorite subject is English and science.
When she grows, she wants to be a doctor so she can treat sick people and make them feel alright.
Her favorite sport is netball but she also likes singing and dancing.
She likes watching cartoons on Jim Jam and Disney junior.

Victoria Chloe Awori
Victoria also known as Stella likes drawing and coloring.
She likes doctors very much. She goes in the hospital sick and comes out doing well. She wants to be a doctor when she grows so she can extend the same services to sick people.
She likes Barbie doll and balls. Her favorite cartoon channel is Disney junior.

Teddy Nakanjaako
Teddy is our youngest child. We usually celebrate her birthday with Christmas week due to close proximity.
She is in kindergarten but she can recite the whole alphabet and count from 1 to 30 all on her own. With help, she can make it to 100. She is a genius.
She likes to play with Barbie dolls and car toy
She also likes posing for photos we have very many of her photos.

Owen Kitooke
The Irish meaning for the name Owen is “young warrior”. He is young but brave and smart.
Owen’s mother and two siblings were abandoned by their father and so they went through some very hard times but grew stronger together every day.
He is one of the kids that live in our orphanage in Entebbe.
Owen wants to be a doctor so he can treat and help his mother and siblings.

Joyce Nakabiito
Joyce is a life full of joy. We usually celebrate her birthday with Christmas since it’s in the Christmas week. She is in primary four.
She wants to be a doctor when she grows bigger. That dream as however been delayed by the lockdown but she is waiting for school to resume so she can resume chasing it.
Her favorite sport is volleyball and her favorite cartoon channel is Angelina on Jim Jam.

Jonathan Ndawula
Jonah is very humble and intelligent. He is very protective of his sister Joyce.
He wants to be acar mechanic when he grows. His favorite subjects are social studies and science and he loves playing soccer and his position is centre forward.

Immaculate Birabwa
Immy wants to be an accountant when she grows because She likes counting numbers.
Her favorite sport is dodge ball. The ululations and happines on her face when playing, tells it all.
She likes barbie dolls and car toys and her favorite car model is the mercedes benz.
Her fovorite cartoon channel is dysney junior.

Henry Kiwanuka
Henry is a very hardworking boy.
His favorite sport is soccer and he is a left back. He is currently in primary five but if it wasn’t for the lockdown on schools, he would be in senior one.
He wants to be an architect. He learnt to make bricks and enjoys making them when school breaks.

Dennis Kityo
Dennis is also reffered to as little Dennis. He the brother to Owen. He is so enthuisatic about construction and mechanics. At the moment he can’t decide on which one he wants more but hopes to major in one of the two for a career.
Like every ugandan kid who has grown up in poverty with a single mother, he wants to build for his mother a good house and give her a good life.

Mbogo Rayan
Rayan is in primary one. Rayan likes mathematics and Literacy.
He wants to be doctor when he grows so he can help people get better.
He likes playing football, netball and riding bikes.

Catherine Namutebi
Cathy has two siblings. She likes school and is always top of the class or second. We believe she will be one of the best when her time comes to sit her primary leaving examinations.
Her favorites subjects are English and mathematics. Her dream is to get her family out of poverty and she will study as hard as it takes to achieve that.
She likes music, dance and drama and she is pretty good at dancing the Buganda traditional dance.